DPA UA0961 Microphone Holder for Pencil Mics

140.00 USD CAD

DPA UA0961 — Microphone holder for pencil mics. Fits all DPA large diaphragm and standard pencil microphones, plus other mics with 19 mm (.75 in) housings, including the DPA 2017 shotgun mic.


SKU: DPA.UA0961 Category: Tag:


DPA UA0961 Pencil Microphone Holder

DPA UA0961 — Microphone holder for pencil mics. Fits all DPA large diaphragm and standard pencil microphones, plus other mics with 19 mm (.75 in) housings, including the DPA 2017 shotgun mic. It has a unique design, which ensures that the microphone is held securely at all times. It is best suited for use in permanent or semi-permanent set-ups, where the stability of the microphone is of important.


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