Bubblebee Lav Concealer Tiny Tape Strips

20.00 USD CAD

Bubblebee Lav Concealer Tiny Tape Strips — Similar in principle to Lav Concealer Tape, the tiny version includes a handy thumb tab to help you affix the tape to the tiny Lav Concealers. 120 pieces / package.


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Bubblebee Lav Concealer Tiny Tape Strips

Bubblebee Lav Concealer Tiny Tape Strips — Similar in principle to Lav Concealer Tape, the tiny version includes a handy thumb tab to help you affix the tape to the tiny Lav Concealers

. The hypoallergenic tape itself is super sticky, allowing you to mount your tiny Lav Concealer on a number of different surfaces with the confidence that it will stay in place throughout your recording.

Now available as strips, in addition to the pre-existing Tiny Tape rolls.

120 pieces (30 strips) per package.