Eastwind Audio TX-FLEX Omni Gooseneck Microphone

299.00 USD CAD

Eastwind Audio TX-FLEX Omni Gooseneck Microphone — 6” Mini Gooseneck Omni Microphone with TA5F connector that plugs directly into a Lectrosonics wireless transmitter with “Servo-Bias” input.



Eastwind Audio TX-FLEX Omni Gooseneck Microphone

Eastwind Audio TX-FLEX Omni Gooseneck Microphone — 6” mini gooseneck omnidirectional microphone with TA5F connector. Plugs directly into a Lectrosonics wireless transmitter with “Servo-Bias” input.

Ideal for vehicle shots, podiums, courtrooms, press conferences and stealth placement to name a few. Made from a modified 6” Shure Microflex and custom fitted with a TA5F connector. It is designed to be used only with Lectrosonics Servo-Bias inputs like SMa, SMV, SMQV, SMWB, SMDWB, SMB, SMDB, DBu, SPDR, UMa, LMa, etc.

The omnidirectional pickup of the TX-FLEX has remarkable reach and linear off-axis clarity.

Includes a snap-fit foam windscreen.