Soundcart Explorer

From: 1,660.91 CAD CAD

SKU: SCU.SCEXPLR Categories: , Tag:


Please note that Sound Carts are ineligible for Free Shipping and a varying lift gate fee will apply based on the courier that delivers it and the size of the Sound Cart ordered. Please contact your local Trew Audio location for specific details.


The Explorer Sound Cart has been designed to hold and transport audio/video equipment used on
broadcast television & film sets. Its standard features include a light-weight aluminium frame, 3u rack
ears (to mount standard 19” equipment such as video monitors), height-adjustable handles, boom
holder kit, spigot riser (suitable for mounting an antenna rig or clamping an umbrella), 10” pneumatic
rear wheels, 6” front casters as well as two height-adjustable shelves.